Goochland Sports Complex 1800 Sandy Hook Rd. Goochland, VA | December 13, 2024 Registration from 4:30pm to 6:30pm If you are in line at 6:30, you will be allowed to register. |

- There are multiple free parking spaces.
- Please car pool if at all possible.
- The parking spaces directly adjacent to the Sports Complex will be reserved for handicapped parking.
Delegate Information
- A government issued photographic ID is required to register. There is no pre-registration.
- Once you have registered and received your wrist band, you may leave the building. It is not recommended that you leave your parking space.
- Seating will be provided with chairs on the floor plus side bleacher seating.
- The first row of floor seating will be reserved for candidates and mass meeting officials.
- Food and drink is allowed in the Sports Complex where the mass meeting will be held.
- Restrooms are available within the Sports Complex and across the parking lot ibn the county administration building.
Candidate Information
Candidates drew numbers by lot to determine ballot and speaking order. The results are:
- Amanda Chase
- Jean Gannon
- Luther Cifers (won on the 3rd round of voting)
- James “Alex” Cheatham
- Duane Adams
- Bryan Hamlett
- Shayne Snavely
The first row of floor seating will be reserved for candidates and mass meeting officials.
Candidates are allowed to place campaign signs in the gym per instructions provided to the LDC Chair.
Yard signs are permissible in the grassy areas adjacent to the Sports Complex. No signs may be placed along roadways and no signs may impede delegate’s access to the building. Signs may be placed beginning at 3:30pm and must be collected immediately after the mass meeting.
No tents or tables will be allowed inside or outside the Sports Complex.
There is to be no bus parking in any of the allotted parking spaces. There will be a bus/van drop off area and vehicles must be immediately removed to designated areas.
Candidates and their two authorized observers will receive lanyards at the registration tables.
Volunteer Information
- All volunteers must check in with the chairman of the committee on which they are serving,
- Volunteers will receive lanyards with proper identification.
- Members of the press are welcome but are not allowed on the floor during the mass meeting.
- No parking for press vans/buses.
- Members of the press will receive lanyards with proper identification.
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