** Browse to the bottom of this page to begin submitting an online application **

Other wise, there are two options to begin membership application:

  • PreferredUse the online form below to provide your information and submit online payment.
  • Or, Download this form, fill it out, and mail it in with a check for the type of membership you’re seeking.
If you’re already a member, and you just need to pay your second year dues – Click here
Don’t use this link for 2024

Full membership is recommended for Goochland County Republican residents who want a say in how their party operates. Associate membership is best for republicans who are not residents of the county or are not quite yet old enough to be registered to vote in Goochland County.

If you are interested in taking a lead in supporting the Goochland Republican Party, be aware of the following important hallmarks:

  • Interested in fulfilling the Goochland Republican Creed
  • Interested in promoting Goochland Republican ideals and goals
  • Interested in getting behind the decisions of the committee in general
  • Interested in standing behind and beside the candidates either nominated or endorsed by the GCRC
  • Willing to take a leadership role in promoting value for members and realizing that the GCRC is a committee devoted to having Republican candidates identified by the committee elected to office

As a dues paying member, you will be notified of out monthly meetings via email and have a place to help direct and be involved in what the Republican party in Goochland does – and does not do.
Your input and volunteerism is deeply appreciated.

Additionally, you will want to learn about the structure of the Goochland County Republican Committee. The document is a formal plan of organization and all potential, new, and long standing members will do well to be familiar with it.

If you would like to receive general email communication, email EC@goochland.gop and request to be put on our general email list. All committee members are already on this list.

Finally, take the time to review our Goochland Republican Creed. This is who we are and what we believe. If this creed resonates with you, we look forward to welcoming you as a fellow committee member.