2023: Mass Meetings and Conventions – Updated

For Goochland precincts 402, 501 and 502, the election for who will be the nominee has been settled as a Primary for the 57th House District. Early voting is underway now.
Republicans – Look for David Owen and Vote for him!

For the rest of Goochland County, the official Calls for the 10th Senate District Convention and the 56th House District have been issued. Goochland Delegates have filed and been credentialed.
Now the conventions are over!

The 10th Senate District Convention was May 6th, with John McGuire taking 61% of the convention vote on the first round. BAM! Congratulations John McGuire!

The 56th Legislative District Convention was May 20th. It was held at Cumberland High School. If you were a registered Delegate, hopefully you attended and did not miss the opportunity to represent the Republicans of your county within the 56th HD this to cast a vote for our next 56th House Delegate.
We went two full rounds of voting. Goochland Republican Party Chairman Buddy Bishop was the Ballot Chair, and GCRC Secretary Susan Lascolette was the Credentials Chair. With lessons learned from the 10th SD convention held May 6th, by all accounts they prepared and delivered a faster and improved process.
Congratulations Tom Garrett!

Goochland Mass Meeting May 12th, 2012

This Mass Meeting was to decide which local candidates who had filed would be nominated or endorsed by the Republican Party of Goochland County. The mass meeting was set for May 12th, 2023 at Central High School Gymnasium.
Our committee approved the call for this Mass Meeting at our March 15th business meeting.
However, the mass meeting was ultimately cancelled as there were no competive filings.

Our Republican Nominees are:

Jon ChristyBoard of Supervisors D1
Neil SpoonhowerBoard of Supervisors D2
Tom WinfreeBoard of Supervisors D3
Charlie VaughtersBoard of Supervisors D4
Pam DuncanTreasurer

Our Republican Endorsed Candidates are:

Steven CreaseyGoochland Sheriff
Amanda AdamsClerk of Court
John LumpkinsCommonwealth Attorney

Our Republican Endorsed School Board Candidates:

Meredith MosesD1 School Board
Karen WirsingD2 School Board
Angela AllenD3 School Board
Michelle MaxwellD4 School Board
Ellen RobinsonD5 School Board

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