Download the PDF – Goochland County Republican Committee Membership Application
Fill out the PDF form in your web browser and print out the first page
Bring the printed form with a check for your membership ($30.00) to the next announced business meeting.
Or mail the printed form and your check to:
GCRC Memberships – Pam Johnson
PO Box 637 Goochland, VA 23063
Download the PDF – New Member Information Sheet
The conditions of membership are that you are a registered voter in Goochland County, Virginia and in accord with the principles of the Republican party. If elected to membership, intend to support the nominees of the Republican Party or public office. In addition, have not participated in Virginia in the nomination process of a party other than the Republican party after March 1, 2004, or in the last five years, whichever is more recent (see Rule #2 for exception).
Goochland County Republican Committee Membership Rules
- The Goochland County Republican Committee Membership and Associate Membership is open to all legal and qualified voters of the United States of America, regardless of race, religion. national origin or sex. who are in accord with the principles of the Republican Party.
- Exception to the requirement regarding a voter participating in the nomination process of a party other than the Republican party after March 1 2004, or in the last five years, whichever is more recent, may be granted. If the voter renounces affiliation with any other party in writing, and in writing that he or she is in accord with the principles oi the Republican Party and intends, at the time of the writing, to support the nominees of the Republican party white a member of the Committee, the Goochland County Republican Committee Executive Committee shall evaluate the voter’s statement and judge whether or not to grant an exception.
- Goochland County Republican Committee operates on a two-year membership The membership term of all members expire April of even-numbered years. Renewal of membership requires reelection at that time by a Goochland County Republican mass meeting, convention, or canvass.
- New Goochland County Republican Committee members may be elected at any Goochland County Republican Committee Official business meeting.
- Goochland County Republican Committee membership dues are $30.00 per year; Dues shall be paid by March 1st of each year.
- Goochland County Republican Committee Associate Members are interested individuals who reside outside of Goochland County. Associate Members may not vote in Goochland County Republican Committee meetings, conventions, or canvasses or elected to a Goochland County Republican Committee office. Goochland County Republican Committee associate membership dues are $15.00 per year.
- Absence from three consecutive Goochland County Republican Committee official business meetings, failure to pay annual dues, and/or loss of Gooch and County voting rights, or voting of the Bylaws shall be grounds for suspension of a member.
- Members who can’t be present for an official business meeting have the option of sanding a person with a proxy to vote on their behalf. The proxy bearer can vote Only one vote. If a Goochland County Republican Committee member bears the proxy of another member, the absent member is counted present by proxy, but the proxy bearing member is counted as absent.
- Monthly business meetings held the third Wednesday of each month. Times, location and additional information can be found here.
- A member of an Official Committee is held to a higher standard of support for nominees of the Republican party than an individual who merely participates in a mass meeting, party canvass, convention or primary Therefore, a member of an Official Committee is deemed to have resigned his Committee position if he (a) makes a reportable contribution to and/or (b) a allows his name to be publicly used by and/or (c) makes a written or other public statement in support of a candidate in opposition to a Republican nominee in a Virginia General or Special Election. Such member may be reinstated by a majority vote of the other members of the Committee.