Today, the Founding Freedoms Law Center filed a lawsuit in Goochland County Circuit Court against four members of the Goochland School Board in their personal capacities on behalf of School Board member Angela Allen. The lawsuit is in response to defamatory statements published by the defendants through a formal Censure Resolution against Ms. Allen at the board’s May 9, 2023 meeting.
The defendants made knowingly false statements against Ms. Allen to disparage her reputation all because she exposed a “transgender” bathroom policy they apparently wanted to remain hidden from their constituents. This lawsuit is important in order to hold these board members accountable for wrongfully attacking Ms. Allen and for harming her reputation all because she told parents the truth about what was really happening in their children’s schools.
As GCRC Chairman Buddy Bishop opined: “What the four members of the school board failed to realize was that their ill-advised censure was not only targeting Mrs. Allen, it was aimed at the concerned parents and citizens across Goochland that dared to object to being ignored and misled.”
Read more:
FFLC Files Lawsuit Against Goochland School Board Members — Founding Freedoms Law Center
Thank goodness Mrs. Allen is looking out for the parents(and Students) of
Goochland County.The cover up played out by the erring Board Members warrants their
removal from the School Board
The School Board forgot that Angela Allen works for the citizens of her district, not the School Board.
Please attend the School Board Meetings to show our support for Angela Allen. The next meeting is Tuesday, Sept. 12 @ 6pm in the Goochland Admin Board Room. We have to stand up for what is right. The left are smart, savvy bullies with the media on their side. It is time to show up!
I also applaud the Goochland Republican Committee for pursuing this intolerable action on the part of the School Board. Let’s bring transparency back to School Board. The citizens of Goochland County need to be aware of all actions and/or proposals presented by their elected officials.
I’ll be first to comment that I am proud of the Republican Committee for pursuing this.
The censure against Ms. Allen was nothing more than another political ploy.
The other school board members need to be held accountable for their actions.