The election season was arduous, but our dedicated republican volunteers stepped up and made it work.
Election day too was long. Our tents and tables are packed and signs are being pulled.
We now watch the returns with midnight popcorn, and anticipate the republican majority in Virginia we need to see prevail.
So, thank you to all of you!
For voting;
For being part of our committee and mailing list;
For being vigilant and persevering;
For your generosity and donations;
For the expense and time in traveling about to support others;
For engaging and making an effort to keep the Republic;
For working, watching, serving, volunteering, and going above and beyond.
We all want to see America Made Great Again, but God Bless you all for helping Keep Goochland Great as Always!
I want to thank Congressman Bob Good for standing and fighting for what must be preserved and reclaimed;
The Bob Good for Congress campaign team, the 5th Congressional District Committee, all Unit chairs, Zone Chairs and staff too throughout.